School buildings

School buildings

Nearby structures could pose many problems for proposed projects. It is always good to identify these issues at the very beginning of a project.

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School buildings

Distance to nearby buildings, schools, hospitals, and apartment complexes should be noted. Pile driving may not be feasible if there is a hospital or school close to the proposed site. In such situations, jacking of piles can be used to avoid noise.

Shallow foundations of a new building could induce negative skin friction on the pile foundation of nearby buildings. If compressible soil is present in a site, the new building may induce consolidation. Consolidation of a clay layer may generate negative skin friction in piles of nearby structures (Fig. 1.16).

The diaphragms of the majority of masonry school buildings in Iran are either filler-joist or jack-arch. The former is usually considered as a rigid diaphragm and the latter is considered as flexible according to the Iranian code of practice for seismic resistant design of buildings [7]. Based on [9], the assumed live loads in the educational spaces, corridors, and roofs are assumed to be 350, 500, and 150 kg/m2, respectively.